ATS consulting group
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Reach you strategic business goals with us
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Our mission at ATS Consulting Group is to empower businesses by providing expert strategy consulting services that will help them achieve sustainable growth and long-term success. We strive to be a trusted partner to our clients, providing them with the knowledge, tools, and support they need to reach their full potential. We are committed to staying at the forefront of business and management practices by providing our clients with the highest level of service and support.
Government and International Agencies looking to execute predetermined projects with strategic support.
Medium size Agricultural companies looking to improve their operational capabilities and increase their business productivity.
Senior Executives Management looking for strategic solutions aimed at streamlining already established processes.
Agro Engineering Startups looking for advisory expertise on how to properly execute their visions.
Universities and Research Centers looking for viable partners in conducting large scale independent
Contact us
Our goal is to help businesses make informed decisions, set achievable goals, and implement effective strategies that will drive success. We believe in the power of strategy and the impact it can have on a business, that's why we are dedicated to delivering results-driven solutions that will help our clients achieve their aspirations.
Financial Risk Analyses and Management:
  • Credit Risk measurement and management
  • Development and implementation of adequate fiscal strategies to streamline and increase the effectiveness of credit and collection policies.
  • Capital formation strategies and asset management advisory
  • Structuring meaningful financial reporting systems
  • Crafting an organizational structure that fits your business's current needs and size
  • Productivity: Increasing productivity of main assets such as land, animal, factory through managing and optimizing current issues.
  • Purchase costs: Decreasing costs within agrarian and machinery sector based on planning and simulation.
  • Logistic system: Development and advancement of chain logistics. Working efficiency: Organization of training for management and workers to involve them in the process.
  • Lean manufacturing practices: Input best world-known lean manufacturing methods for maintaining and increasing current key performance indicators.
Strategic Planning:
  • Market study to identify local competitors and understand their distribution channels and pricing structures.
  • Digital Strategy: Exploit digital technology to enable business ambitions by providing solutions on leveraging corporate IT, digital operations, and online strategies, as well as help in expanding the client's social media presence.
  • Organizational Strategy: Establishment of organizational structures and corporate governance to ensure optimal delivery of broader strategic mission through a complete diagnostics of all networks and contributors involved to develop human capital strategies.
Why Should YOUR Company Work with ATS COnsultING GROUP?
cutting-edge knowledge
and best practices:


Our pricing Structure allows us to be a cost-effective solution for companies that need specialized expertise on a project basis. This allows companies to access the expertise they need without the cost of hiring a full-time employee.


ATS Consulting Group has access to the latest industry trends and best practices. We can provide insights and knowledge that can help your company stay competitive and improve their overall performance.

We provide services on a project basis, this allows for companies that need to address specific issues or challenges that arise. Our flexibility allows companies to focus on their core business operations while addressing specific issues as they arise.



We can help your company to scale its operations by developing new products, increasing the company's reach, or by optimizing the company's internal processes.

Our pricing Structure allows us to be a cost-effective solution for companies that need specialized expertise on a project basis. This allows companies to access the expertise they need without the cost of hiring a full-time employee.

OUr operative LOCATIONS
+1 337-255-2082
+225 973-748-66
170 Pine St, Lewiston,
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